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Black list

Sometimes, your customers should be banned, unfortunately. For this cases you can use Black list. It's easy to manage, operate and makes you happier.
How it works
When an unwanted person writes you, just hit the Button Info under their message and then hit the Block button. That's it.

What will happen on the client's side: They will not notice any changes while they stay on the same page or reload it. But as soon as the page is reloaded the Re:plain widget will disappear forever until you will unlock them or they change the IP.
How to connect the feature
Purchase the feature Black list in our Re:plain Store. To do it follow here: MenuYourWebsiteStore Black list. And follow the steps.
Now at your website's Setting appeared a new section Black list. You can operate it here: MenuYourWebsiteBlack list. At the beginning it's empty. But as soon you will add someone here, the list will start to grow.
When an unwanted person writes you, just hit the Button Info under their message and then hit the Block button. That's it.

After, you'll be able to see the list of blocked IPs, unlock them all or one-by-one.
That's simple!
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Choose the messenger you want to connect to one of the Re:plain versions
You can choose an add-on and connect it to whichever website you prefer, as well as the terms of payment.